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Kimura A, Ishida Y, Hayashi T, Wada T, Yokoyama H, Sugaya T, Mukaida N, Kondo T. Interferon- plays protective roles in sodium arsenite-induced renal injury by up-regulating intrarenal multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 expression. Am J Pathol, 169:1118-1128. 2006
Ishida Y, Kondo T, Kimura A, Tsuneyama K, Takayasu T, Mukaida N. Opposite roles of neutrophils and macrophages in the pathogenesis of acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury. Eur J Immunol, 36:1028-1038. 2006
Yang X, Lu P, Ishida Y, Kuziel WA, Fujii C, Mukaida N. Attenuated liver tumor formation in the absence of CCR2 with a concomitant reduction in the accumulation of hepatic stellate cells, macrophages and neovascularization. Int J Cancer, 118:335-345. 2006
Ishida Y, Takayasu T, Kimura A, Hayashi T, Kakimoto N, Miyashita T, Kondo T. Gene expression of cytokines and growth factors in the lungs after paraquat administration in mice. Leg Med (Tokyo), 8:102-109. 2006
Kimura A, Ishida Y, Hayashi T, Wada T, Yokoyama H, Sugaya T, Mukaida N, Kondo T. Interferon-g plays protective roles in sodium arsenite-induced renal injury by up-regulating intrarenal multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 expression. Am J Pathol, 169:1118-1128. 2006
Ishida Y, Kondo T, Kimura A, Matsushima K, Mukaida N. Absence of IL-1 receptor antagonist impaired wound healing along with aberrant NF-kB activation and a reciprocal suppression of TGF-b signal pathway. J Immunol, 176:5598-5606. 2006
Ishida Y, Takayasu T, Kimura A, Hayashi T, Kakimoto N, Miyashita T, Kondo T. Gene expression of cytokines and growth factors in the lungs after paraquat administration in mice. Leg Med(Tokyo), 8:102-109. 2006
Ishida Y, Kondo T, Kimura A, Tsuneyama K, Takayasu T, Mukaida N. Opposite roles of neutrophils and macrophages in the pathogenesis of acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury. Eur J Immunol, 36:1028-1038. 2006
Yang X, Lu P, Ishida Y, Kuziel WA, Fujii C, Mukaida N. Attenuated liver tumor formation in the absence of CCR2 with a concomitant reduction in the accumulation of hepatic stellate cells, macrophages and neovascularization. Int J Cancer, 118:335-345. 2006
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Miyashita T, Kakimoto N, Ishida Y, Hayashi T, Kimura A, Tsokos M, Kondo T. Immunohistochemical expression of tumor necrosis factor-a in sepsis-induced lung injury. Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 2:103-108. 2006
Nakahata K, Kinoshita H, Tokinaga Y, Ishida Y, Kimoto Y, Dojo M, Mizumoto K, Ogawa K, Hatano Y. Vasodilation mediated by inward rectifier K+ channels in cerebral microvessels of hypertensive and normotensive rats. Anesth Analg, 102:571-576. 2006
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