
  1. Ishida Y, Kimura A, Nosaka M, Kuninaka Y, Hemmi H, Sasaki I, Kaisho T, Mukaida N, Kondo T. Essential involvement of the CX3CL1-CX3CR1 axis in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis via regulation of fibrocyte and M2 macrophage migration. Sci Rep. 7(1):16833. 2017
  2. Nosaka M, Ishida Y, Kimura A, Yamamoto H, Kato T, Kuninaka Y, Shimada E, Kondo T. Detection of intrathrombotic endothelial progenitor cells and its application to thrombus age estimation in a murine deep vein thrombosis model. Int J Legal Med. 131(6):1633-1638. 2017
  3. Yamamoto H, Takayasu T, Nosaka M, Kimura A, Ishida Y, Kawaguchi T, Fukami M, Okada M, Kondo T. Fatal acute intoxication of accidentally ingested nifedipine in an infant –A case report. Legal Medicine, 24:12–18. 2017
  4. Cecchi R, Muciaccia B, Ciallella C, Di Luca NM, Kimura A, Sestili C, Nosaka M, Kondo T. Ventricular androgenic-anabolic steroid-related remodeling: an immunohistochemical study. Int J Legal Med. 131(6):1589-1595. 2017
  5. Cecchetto G, Bajanowski T, Cecchi R, Favretto D, Grabherr S, Ishikawa T, Kondo T, Montisci M, Pfeiffer H, Bonati MR, Shokry D, Vennemann M, Ferrara SD. Back to the Future – Part 1. The medico-legal autopsy from ancient civilization to the post-genomic era. Int J Legal Med. 131(4):1069-1083. 2017
  6. Ferrara SD, Cecchetto G, Cecchi R, Favretto D, Grabherr S, Ishikawa T, Kondo T, Montisci M, Pfeiffer H, Bonati MR, Shokry D, Vennemann M, Bajanowski T. Back to the Future – Part 2. Post-mortem assessment and evolutionary role of the bio-medicolegal sciences. Int J Legal Med. 131(4):1085-1101. 2017
  7. Kondo T. Immune systems in skin wound healing. Trends in Immunotherapy. 1(2):57. 2017
  8. Nosaka M, Ishida Y, Kimura A, Yamamoto H, Kuninaka Y, Shimada E, Okumoto K, Okada M, Hata S, and Kondo T. Influence of circadian rhythm on thrombus formation of murine deep vein thrombosis model. Ann Hematol Oncol. 4(9): id1171 2017
  9. Zhao J, Nishimura Y, Kimura A, Ozawa K, Kondo T, Tanaka T, Yoshizumi M. Chemokines protect vascular smooth muscle cells from cell death induced by cyclic mechanical stretch. Sci Rep. 7(1):16128. 2017
  10. Takayasu T, Yamamoto H, Ishida Y, Nosaka M, Kawaguchi M, Kuninaka Y, Kimura A, Kondo T. Postmortem distribution of chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion, and their metabolites in body fluids and organ tissues of an intoxication case. Leg Med (Tokyo). 29:44-50. 2017
  11. Ozaki M, Nishioka K, Kimura A, Kondo T, Nakao N. Activation of the arachidonic acid metabolic pathway and induction of sleep disturbance by sacral osteoblastoma: A case report. Mol Clin Oncol, 7(2):237-240. 2017
  12. Doi N, Nakatani Y, Inaba Y, Kondo T, Furukawa T, Kanazawa N. Acute-phase effects of single-time topical or systemic corticosteroid application immediately after hot water-induced burn injury of various grades. Trends in Immunotherapy, 1(1):19-27. 2017
  13. Inaba Y, Kanazawa N, Yoshimasu T, Shimokawa T, Nosaka M, Kondo T, Furukawa F. Severer lupus erythematosus-like skin lesions in MRL/lpr mice with homozygous Kit(wsh/wsh) mutation. Mod Rheumatol. 11:1-8. 2017.